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Where is washroom? Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Posted by bornfool in Thoughts.
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 Where should I go, when I lost the way? I am lost and feeling restless. It’s problem which i can’t control. I have been practicing for years.. But result is not yet worth mentioning.

It seems I have seen hell hundreds times in my life. Sometimes my visit is for 10 minutes and some for hours. Now I enjoy going there. It’s like second home to me. Home, where I live alone. In silent places I think where am going. I decide my destiny, when I am alone. My second home gives me enough peace, where I can feel better. Hell was never so exciting.

When you lost your way, you’ll find me there. In total predicament, I promise to close my eyes when you will find the peace and the destiny. Cheer this moment and hope train would be never so late as it is today.