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Joker Died Forever Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Posted by bornfool in Movie, News.
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Batman can never kill Joker because of his moral code of not killing anyone and Joker does not kill Batman because Joker says “what would I do without you”?


But scruffy and grungier Joker played by Heath Ledger died on 22nd January, 2008 from an accidental prescription of drug overdose at age 28, shortly after playing the Joker in the movie The Dark Knight.


What I enjoyed in the movie, was the way Joker takes you away from your life and let you feel about the other world, ugly world. You lose control on yourself and start believing in what Joker shows you. Joker is ugly, frightening, “psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy”, the way described by Harvey Dent (Two face) in the movie.


You are not scared of your death and most deadly you are not afraid to take others life.


I enjoyed Joker’s company throughout the movie. His screen presence along with Batman makes you want more. Although, great actor Heath ledger died, but fight between good and evil will never die.


These are the few excerpts by Joker (Heath Ledger) in the movie The Dark Knight.


I use a knife because guns are too quick. Otherwise, you can’t savor all the emotions. You know who people are in their last moments.

I’m a dog chasing cars. I don’t have plans. I just do things. I’m not a schemer.



This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.